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Requirements Inc is a good company in I.T. Fields. It provides training, crash courses, free health care sessions and different Module of Microsoft Office  Business Analytic training sessions. Get right choice for your career by choosing Recruitment Inc.
A lot of interest has risen in the profession of Business Analysis in the last decade. It is especially popular as a launch pad for a non-technical person to venture into IT.
Let’s learn how the IIBA – the premier institute for Business Analyst Professionalsclassifies Business Analyst as a profession / role and then evaluate some practical areas where a BA might work on. We will enlist some core responsibilities and understand how the role it can be somewhat different across organizations yet how a formal discipline of Business Analysis has evolved.
The Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) defines Business analysis as:
The set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an organization, and to recommend solutions to enable the organization to achieve its goals.
Plain English Definition of a Business Analyst
We could simplify the IIBA definition and say that the practice of Business Analysis is:
The background and the know how needed to work as a bridge among people interested in the success of an initiative, by understanding the working principles of an organization, being able to solve organizational problems, helping it to achieve its goals.
Business Analyst as a professional role would be:
Any person who performs business analysis activities, no matter what their job title or organizational role may be…
The IIBA recognizes that one is not an analyst based on the job title, but based on performing the work of the analyst, deploying the essential skills required in performing the task.
IT Business Analysts work on Projects

From an IT perspective, Business Analysts are usually engaged in solving business problems in IT (Information Technology) projects.
A project entails a sequence of tasks, is planned from beginning to end and constrained (bound) by time, resources, and required results. It has a clearly defined outcome and “deliverables”. A project generally has a deadline, and a limited resource (people, supplies, and capital).
There are Business Analysts in a non-IT world as well, who formulate efficient business processes, improve organizational behavior, implement controls and regulatory practices, etc.
An IT Business Analyst would typically shoulder the following responsibilities:
·         Elicitingthe business objective– Unraveling the true business needs of undertaking a project. This usually requires a BA to investigate the ‘untold’ underlying business problem, without jumping into the solution. BAs partake in meetings with stakeholders (anyone with a vested interest in the project initiative) to discuss about project needs and business drivers behind those needs.
·         Analyzingthe information received– Stakeholders usually dump a lot of information on a BA. The BA must organize the information received, analyze the relationship among the documentation received and complete the picture, drawing clarification for any content that is ambiguous or conflicting.
·         Specifyingrequirements Inc – As a result of the analysis, clearly and unambiguously document the project needs – document the “what” part of the project without getting into the “how” so the solutions team (development team) can figure out the best way to implement a solution to the business problem. It’s like defining the problem statement, and the development team can use any method to solve the problem, as long as the needs are met.
·         Validating / verifying requirementsInc Ensuring Traceability that is, map the requirements defined to the core business objectives, ensure completeness and seek approval of all relevant stakeholders, and meet the quality standards.


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